Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I've been testing Miss Frye's version of the Reality Enforcement Device, the device apparantly does work, on both magical creatures, as the comatose fey batteries show, and amulets as I tested it on assorted talismans and amulets, both had gone dead when in range,slowely regaining thier properties when taken back out of range.
alchemy, the formulas and serums seemed to glow slightly less, I'm assuming the chemical aspects keep them somewhat functional, but at a weakened state. it also had an odd side effect, I think I may have been working on it too long, as the shoggoth heart in my chest became very agitated, and sprouting tentacles that burst frm the chamber implanted in my chest, tried to destroy the device, the device is fine, and I've amputated the tentacle, as well as strengthened the glass on the chamber, the itching is very annoying still, but I'm concluding the tests as succesful and so ending them for now and sending the results to Miss Frye, as well as returning the device.

tentacles 1



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