Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Planning an expedition to the Deep

After my first trip to the Deep, and finding the flotsam and wreckage housing, I recently have read other accounts of similar structures found in the deep, and creatures that apparantly live there.
My assistant, Miss Gizzzy, also had recently been in the Deep herself, with her piscean tail component (wich makes her resemble one of the 'mermaids'), her report, of semi-humanoid shapes seen at a distance, this, and my interest in the passing strange, convinced me that another trip out there was required. as far as the existance of the 'mer-folk', there is much evidence, Dr. Kaligawa's study of the frozen carcass discovered, similar creatures found underneath Armada, (I believe them to be a sort of varient of that island nation's 'remade'), the 'sea-urchin' discovered and photographed, and rumors of a 'sewer-maid' (though the smell of such a thing must be terrible). So, I plan on setting out and capturing one of these creatures, alive, and bringing it back to Babbage for study. I'm wiling to accept any help, maps, supplies, information that could be helpful, hearty workers and those good with harpoon guns to volunteer for the first major expedition of the Ordo Aspconditus since the somewhat disastrous expidition some time back to find the fabled Man-Eating Tree of Madagascar (poor, poor Harvey). any and all volunteers will have thier wives and families taken care of in case they don't return unfortunate accidents occur. The advantages of being a part f such an expedition would be immense, part of the fame will be yours, plus the fact that there are quite a few wrecks down at the bottom with the possibility of salvage, possibly some riches as well, or we could just find piles of rusted junk, and futily die at the hands of intense pressure and drowning, eitherway it should be an exciting experience.

Any skilled individuals interested in the discovery of a lifetime, please contact myself, Prof. Grendel P. M. Footman, Esq. at the A.H.A.S. Rama, docked at the aetherport tower in Palisades.

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