Thursday, March 31, 2011

Footman's Logg: March 31st, 188X

Having finally arrived in New Babbage, in time for the oiling festival no less (and no, my zombie eradicator did not win, I think the smell of frying zombie scared people away), I stayed a few days in my submersible while I cleaned up and managed to finally get a proper dosage of serum.

I successfully missed the ball, and mostly eyed the assorted machinery, windmills and rides set up around the city.

Once the oiling festival ended, I went forward with my plans, and began construction on Footman Automotons, an automoton factory in wheatstone. Construction has mostly completed, the machinery for the building and repair of automotons is slowly arriving, and I have a lab once again.

As the pengi have more important work currently loading and unloading crates elivered, I have built a kind of arachnopodic automoton to guard the assembly floor, (and my laboratory)

so far not bad, there are still some kinks to work out of the arachnotons, as one decided to guard the bottom of the canal running in back, but otherwise it's more or less up and running.

recount of Footman's Logg from Mar 7th, 188X

I've been drifting on the sea for

awhile, I'm not exactly sure how long.

I've mostly lived off fish, as my

dwindling supplies of serum...well


I finally had good fortune, a fishing

ship came across the pod, and while it

took some explaining to convince the

crew on board I was not some spirit of

the drowned come to take them all to

Davey Jones, we were soon off.

After a few days, the ship reached

Steelhead, where seeing how it was semi

familiar, and they had no plans to head

towards New Babbage, I disembarked.

It was interesting, being far from home

while having no access to my resources

or funds. But after a time, I was able

to find an old woman in the Shanghai

district, who sold and traded herbs and

likewise from her own homeland. After

trading with the old woman, my cane,

and the automoton that had been less

than helpful during my crash and period

of castaway status, (the negotiations

were interesting to say the least,

given the fact she only spoke broken

cantonese, I may have alluded to the

fact the automoton was a lost Tibetian

god or something) for some needed

ingredients (I had suspected she kept

the rarer items in back, fortunatly I

was correct), and retreiving the boiler

from a boat I spotted at the bottom of

Steelhead's canal (the water was

disturbingly clear), I holed up in one

of the shacks on the outskirts,

recompensating the elderly woman the

room and board by enhancing her

smuggled opium with a simple mixture of

rattlesnake extract and strawberry

jelly. Where I was able to juryrig a

brewer and mixed the ingredients from

the Shanghai woman, with a leftover jar

of Footman's Balm, to make a somewhat

watered down version of my serum, (that

I am calling Formula 0, due to the fact

it has 0 redeeming qualities, it burned

like fire mixed with whiskey going

down, of course then again it had never

been intended for drinking).

After a time of more or less slumming

it in Shanghai, I was soon able to

locate the next ship to New Babbage, I

did have to convince the captian I

could improve the speed if he let me

take a look at his engines, hopefully

they will hold off exploding until we

reach port.