A History of the Antarctic Colonies
Antarctica, according to surviving records, was first discovered in th
days of the old Empire. After the fall of the Empire and forming of
the city-states. Tobias Footman, a scientist and industrialist of
Babbage and founder of Footman Industries, funded the first of the
Antarctic colonies, Harbor Landing. It's main export, (it's only
actual export) was seal blubber back in the early days, since then
it has expanded to canned colossal squid (a possible cousin to the
Air Kraken of New Babbage), and blue whales, for thier blubber and
oil. (much more there than on a seal). The early days were harsh,
with the colonists largly living off the seals and penguins. Most
building supplies were imported in, or the hulls of some of the ships
were used to build the settlement.
After the first year, Tobias moved his estate to the colony, and
with it, brought some technological advances, larger nets, allowing
for the capture of the colossal squid and blues, clockwork krill
harvesters, cannery equipment, steam heated greenhouses allowing for the growing
of crops, and steam tunnels to heat the colony
(wich coincidenally has caused the whole colony to gradually sink
deeper into the ice every year)
Since those days, other colonies, funded by Footman Industries have
formed. but Harbor landing remained the largest.
It was Tobias's son, Jebidiah, that formed the
"Antartic Colonial Collective", loosely governed group of the colonies owned by
Footman Industries. Shortly thereafter forming the First Antarctic Navy
(consisting of a total of 3 ironclads, and 20 submersibles).
By this time, most transportation was still by sea, as the winds in
Antarctica can be treacherous to any airships much of the time, only
certian windows of time when the weather allows is air travel possible.
many of the files on the colonies were lost , so there is a large gap in
the history of the colonies, up to the last few decades.
Dr. Phineas Footman the 4th soon became chairman of Footman Industries,
expanding it's research into medical sciences with his wife, Eliza, and their
son Grendel. During this time, Ruins had been found under the ice at the nearby
Byrd's Land colony. Colonists began excavating the ancient ruins.
All contact with Byrd's Land ceased one night, repair automotons sent out
to check the telegraph lines found the colony totally deserted.
Soon the other colonies began to dissapear, becoming empty ghost towns
until Harbor Landing was all that was left. Superstition began to cause
the Harbor Landing colonists to begin to leave, until there was
only a handful left. Footman Industries began production of automotons to
help with the workload, and now Harbor Landing is primarily populated by
automotons. Much of the navy mothballed, and the Footman Estate now used primarily
to house the stills for the Immortalis Serum.