Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Footman't Log, Feb 19th 18XX

After the unfortunate fire at Miss Writer's cafe (I swear I saw the shadowscribler duck in!) and the failed assault on the Lord Smashington near Oldbridge, I returned the steamjack armor for repairs and modifications ((the unscripted avi will be available near the pile of crates by the end of today, I still am working out how to make them compatable for combat for tose with a more combative leaning))
as usualy I returned to find the machine on, and all devices and machines active actually, so after deactiviating the unneeded ones, and again, shutting off the giest machine, I noticed the floor of the plant.
caked with oil and blood from past experiments. I ordered the pengi to pull up all the flagstones, they gave me an odd look, and were wary around the giest machine, but they did as I asked.
Now that the ground has thawed, I will have a new floor put in, until then, the bare cobbles of the city work just as well

((I pulled up the floor at the plant, mostly to rework it as it was kind of hurredly placed when I realized the snow textures outside, were the same as inside))

I also have continued my work in the batteries again, as the giest machine still has failed to contact an empire engineer, so I still could not find out more of the cloud angels.
I am working on a larger chamber, as larger vaireties of the fey type creatures should theoretically produce more power, as well a last a bit longer.
Miss Gizzy threw my smaller models into the canals when she thought I wasn't looking, she is becoming even more free willed, wich is both a good thing, and a bit of an annoyance. I just wish I could get her sisters to that point, or even to where thy have intelligence would be enough.

I need to rest now, I have set #13 to wake me if I do not rize after 5 minutes, If I break down my sleeping pattern to 5 minute incriments inbetween periods of an hour or two, it should allow enough sleep, but not enough so that they will reach me

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