With all the bad press right now with the plague, I've posted mega-pengi guards at all entrances to the plant to keep any potential arsonists from burning it down. I had taken matters into my own hands, and loading my pistol, strapping on rocket boots, and pulling on my gauntlets, went out to hunt down the infected before they spread the plague, as they're not likely to infect me. I saw miss Aya in Clockhaven, and landed to chase her down..but she managed to give me the slip. Eventually, during my hunt, I made my way to the academy grounds, where I found a contingent of people, Miss Elle, Dr. Dayafter, Miss Frye, Miss Carver, Victor, someone named Scientist, and the Clockwinder. They had been out curing the infected, apparantly Dr. Dayafter had found a cure, and Mr. Scientist had devised a gun to deliver the dosages. After some talk, took one of their vaccination guns , taking care that none of their cure splt out, and we all went our ways to cure the infected left (I wish I had known there was a cure made before I shot some of those zombies, but no use crying over spilt milk) At this point most of the zombies had been cured, it was just a matter f cleaning up.
Then a short woman with a beard came up to me at port and started the oddest conversation I ever had in this city, Im still not entirely sure the whole thing wasn't an after effect of the opium I had earlier.
Not quite m type, I suggested if she ever felt ill, to look up Dr. Dayafter, I'm sure he could use the business.
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