Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Notes on the Immortalis Serum

The Immortalis Serum, the original formula was derived from alchemical texts, namely a partial copy of the Book Of The Crow. The first mix had been created from obscure ingredients found from My travels around the world collecting. The mix itself is created by combinging the ingredients through a very precise process, as the first batch had been flawed due to part of the formula missing, leaving me with my current condition. Since then there have been newer mixes, each one more successful than the other. I had refined the brewing process to be able to make more, substituting some ingredients as they are now no longer in existance, or so rare as to be impossible to find, and the brewing process mechanized to increase the amount that can be brewed, and eliminating the chance of human error.

There have been 7 mixes made so far.

Formula 1; the original formula, It was flawed from lack of a full copy of the Book of the Crow, as such has left me in a semi-dead condition, requireing regular infusions, regular surgery as my organs fail, and some artificial respirators and blood circulators to keep me alive.
key ingredients, the blood from a vampire, extract from the very rare Agony flower.
mixed by hand, refined in the old ways.

Formula 2; follows the same mixture but brewed mechanically, little results from the test subjects, living or dead...more precise the living test subjects simply got sick and died.
continues to react in my own body much as the first mix

Formula 3; As vampires had become hard to come by, that ingredient was replaced by a chemical substitute. Could see sentience in test subjects for almost 5 minutes before they died again screaming.
again, continues to react in my own body the same as the past mixtures. some slight added benifits

Formula 4; Chemical mixture replacing Vampire blood, as the agony flower is now extinct, extract from the Madagascar Man-Eating Tree is used. All test subjects other than myself are successfully brought back, but in a state similar to my own, and irreverseably braindamaged and feral, trying to eat the locals, had to leave quickly before the angry mobs burned down the lab

Formula 5; Same results as Formula 4, still cannot understand why it is only successful on myself, zombies seem more strong and fast this time around. sucessfully managed to use them as a workforce with the creation of the zombie collars, until they were sabotaged and the zombie plauge spread through Babbage. Dayafter lucked into a cure for the zombies, that seemed to regenerate any damage they had sustained as zombies

Formula 6; Dayafter's cure was able to be analyzed, and I made more myself, the cure itself had no effect on me aside from my heart stopping, wich it had never done since I implanted it. Miss Gizzy was able to inject me with serum and I was able t come back to. I have tried mixing with the serum.
have not only been able to reanimate seperate body parts, but had managed to obtain a full 5 minutes of sentience in a test subject before its head exploded, I have not tried the mix myself after the effects of the cure in it's pure form.I beleive I just need to find the right percentage mix

Formula 7; a 30/70 mix, Miss Macbain has suggested studying the effects of the serum on a more supernatural test subject, as I myself, the only successful test...technically,(at least im not eating people) have had years previous exposed to...things.... so it could very well be what is missing
Miss Macbaine has volunteered herself, this will be the first test on a fully living subject since Formula 2, we will be trying to replicate the situation when I was first injected, Miss Macbain will be brought to near death by poison, then given the infusion....Miss Gizzy will be there with one of Dayafter's cure guns in case things go wrong....and her saws if they go very wrong.....we have a time in January set for this......I have given Miss Macbain the option to back out, so far she has not......For her sake I'm hoping this works...

Additional notes: the current brewing procedures as they stand require large amounts of energy, I have had to upgrade my facilities from steam to the electric eel generators, and it's still bareley enough.

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