I have worked on a machine to communicate with the dead, specifically the ones in the cemetary between the plant and Mechanix Arms. The Giestmagorium, based on discussions with Miss Darkfold, as she wishes to study spirits more, I have offered her access to the lab and any equiptment I have in her studies, the machine came about as we discussed odd occurances in the lab, items moving on their own, voices, I've heard them myself ever since the cemetary was dscovered but was busy with the serum at the time. The macine itself utilizes power from the Eel generators, rerouted trough a large copper plate etched with one of the symbols from the Necronomicon, basically. Miss Darkfold has some techniques she will be using as well, one of wich is to prevent possession by the spirits, using portriats of those involved.
She seems to feel it is a very real threat, especially with automotons like Miss Gizzy, who supposedly do not have 'souls' (I personally beleive souls are nonsense, only another word for one's consiousness, but I'm not about to argue against another's beliefs)
I would have also hired a medium, but the only one I know of in the city s apparantly deceased herself, fairly homely spinster actually, and had been in league with that charlatan Underby, who I'd rather not be involved with anyway, as some of my work is highly sensitive, plus there's the work with Mr. Sixpence's formula.
Meanwhile, my work with the automotons continues, Automoton 1 has some rather interesting conversations as I fit her with a body, while 11...dances.....vapidly. As for the construction clank; I have decided against a cognigator, as I could see it turning out like 11, and dancing....vapidly....destroying the city under it's bulk in the meantime. Or at best, become self aware and decide it would really prefer floral arrangements to bricklaying, plus I just remember the initial activation using the punch cards that turned out to be from a prostitution model automoton and shudder.
What I will be doing instead, is usuing a more simple cognigator, aided by a humanoid operator, wich means gutting the thing and putting in a seat and controls.
and as usual, all these projects is using a constant source of power, I'm contemplating adding another floor of electric eels to the facility until I can develop a more suitable source of power.
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