Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Footman's Log, Feb. 17th, 18XX

I had been approached today by a woman, Cynster Clowes, on behalf of her 'client'. Peter Warwillow. She had contacted me as I was catching 10 minures of rest in the laboratory. Apparantly the man had an odd growth in hs head, rooted in the brain and protruding. She had told me the doctors they had approached previously refused to do anything, and so they had traveled to Babbage in search of a surgeon with experience in brains. Somehow they had found my name. The woman wanted me to excise the part of the brain infected by the growth, and replace it with a mechanical device she was developing. I examined Mr. Warwillow, the growth in question was not bone, but appeared to be excess skin, forming an abcess in the skull.
I assured both I could preform the needed surgery if she had her device ready by then, Mr. Warwillow would only have a few months left otherwise, it already appeared to be effecting his speach and cognitive functions.
They had left with Miss Clowes promising she would contact me once the device is complete so that we may schedual a date for the operation. I'm actually fairly looking forward to it I must admit, I haven't preformed a serious surgery in months. I declined to mention how I am still getting used to the need for sleep, I'm sure it will work out fine.

Work on the steamjack armor continues, I have moved the project to the community stockyards, as there are no voices there. and I am finding it much easier to work. I did catch myself falling asleep last night however. They almost got me, and I saw the tree was with them this time. Fortunatly # 13 woke me up, he had found me slumped over the main chassy in the middle of the stockyard. I had forgotten how cold weather effects the body and have contracted a slight cold it seems. Miss Gizzy has returned, but won't say where she has been. She has taken to sitting out in the graveyard, feeding the finches...wich is odd seing how they too are clockwork. I may have to examine her cognigator t see if there is still a malfunction, right now however, with the machine activating itself, and my discussion with Miss Darkfold, I'm considering asking Miss Macbain to let Gizzy stay over at her place for now.
work on the machine contnues in the meantime, but no success contacting anyone useful, and from the cryptic way spirits communicate, am beginning to wonder if I'd learn anything even if I did find a scientist or engineer of the old empire.
I am still receiving comments on my eyes, they should have healed by now, and it is not a failure of the serum either, I can see just fine, but the comments and questons about my health are annoying, I may have to take to wearing goggles everywhere's again.

In the meantime, I may feild test the armor later, perhaps I can use it to find this anarchist everyone's been talking about, I could use some practice before the operation I suppose.

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