I awoke on the guestbed on board the Rama, Miss Gizzy was hovering over me with a bowl of wiggyfish chowder, she looked a little different, she was lacking the somewhat cracked casing she usually has, and I could now see the gears and sprockets spinning in between the metal plates that were left.
I asked her what had happened, as my last memory was of injecting myself with the new formula, then blacking out. Apparantly I had keeled over and knocked a lantern down, Miss Gizzy dragged me out, and was able to save my research, and call the fire brigade even, but at some major damage to herself apparantly, much of it repaired by Victor after Mr. Lionheart caused her cognigator to deactivate. She told me the laboratory had burned down, but the Ladies Fire Brigade had managed to save the rest of the plant. I had gotten up to make my way down to assess the damage, when I realized my rebreather was off, I could breathe much more easily...I had also noticed the pain in my leg was gone, apparantly the new serum worked. Gizzy said something about my skin as well, but I only half heard her as i hurried to the transport to the ground.
The lab was a smouldering pile, I sifted for a bit through the charred rafters for anything salvageable.
It had all been burnt sadly, but at least Gizzy was able to save my research. I quickly called the pengi's to me, apparantly they were glad to see I wasn't yet dead, and quickly went to work on my orders, clearing away the burnt wreckage, and erecting a barrier to patch the hole in the plant.
I supervised for a bit, as I made sketches as to how the labs would be rebuilt, then wish I still had a chair to sit on. It would take a few days of work no doubt, and the cost for supplies would make my accountant go into a tizzy, but once complete, we can resume the tests, and soon go into full production.
one good note, the pengi had found an urchin, apparantly dead from the tram hitting him, and must have been in a snowbank for a good day or so, since the lab was gone for now, and I had been wanting to test this serum on a fully dead body, we went with a field test. The boy had almost immediatly sprung up wih a shreik, seemed confused where he was for a second, moaning something sounding like 'damn trams' and shuffled off to clockhaven.
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