Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Footman's log, Dec 24th

I had been in the back lot, winding the clockwork finches, when a soaked and freezing miss Macbain appeared, apparantly she fell into the sewers and had to wade trough the muck to find a ladder out, from the aroma, I had almost thought Skyler had come by. I brought her inside and directed her to go upstairs, use the emerency chemical shower in the lab, and borrow sme of Miss Gizzy's clothes while I made coffee. Sadly as Miss Gizzy and I don't feel the cold and often leave everything but the lab unheated, I doubt Miss Macbain was feeling any warmer. We had discussed the upcoming experiment, and preperations we both were making to avoid another outbreak, and I explained the process to her, promising there would be little pain, the poison we would be using I had tried myself, with no apparant pain.

Eventually she left for home to hopefully warm up, and I went to the study, I saw Miss Darkfold outside m window and invited her in, as after our talk last night, had wanted t offer her a positon as my lab asistant. Fortunatly she accepted, and we worked out what all er duties would entail, basically handng me the tools and chemicals when need, and assisting wit some of my more side researches.
She actually seemed quite enthusiastic, though Miss Macbain seemed a little less so when i told her later, it must be te lack of sleep

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