Footman's Log Feb 25th. 18XX
I had returned from a late dinner at the gangplank, more bacon sandwiches, and stopped by the town hall to check the archives about possible diagrams of the sewers, only to find every door locked, with some proclimation nailed to them with daggers, the militant arm of the church of the builder. Figures those religious types would finally start to interfere with the workings of the state. I had heard troubling talk of many residents finding theirdoors locked, and nailed with similar proclimations, Morningtons, the clockhaven aquarium,
It hadn't happened yet to Footman Industries yet at least, maybe the pengi intimidate them, ormaybe they just aprove of some of my moe unorthidox research. Eitherway I'm fairly glad the preists hadnt tried anything similar.
I returned home, and let myself in the front door, instantly noticing something was amiss.
Yes, the Giest Machine was on, but I'm always finding it on, no, this was something much darker....
My upholstered chairs....they were Missing!!
Of course too there was the fact my jars where I had been keeping spare body parts were all smashed as well, but more importantly...MY CHAIRS!!!!!!
Oh, and not too much progress with the steamjack armor im afraid, but the larger battery is almost complete, now I just need a more larger creature magical in nature to insert into it.
but for now, I need rest, I have #13 ready to wake me in 4.5 minutes.
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