Thursday, September 20, 2012

August through September, 188X

I still had not arrived at Marekesh Mondrago, the route there was interrupted by the air kraken, a large school of them. I had forgotten it had been that time of year, and between the squids, and the storm, we were blown a bit off course, to Caledon, and had to stop for refueling just to get to Babbage. I still have not built a new lab in the city, having moved most my research onboard the Sparrowwood as I travelled. But I still have a few vats of serum in storage within the various warehouses in the city. Coincidentally we're in the city (or high above it to be exact) just as a shipment of the new medical balm is to arrive in port as well. I had received the telegram when leaving Ichor Falls and had given the go ahead to distribute the balm to the various shops and merchants that had ordered it, aside from the occasional unforseen side effects, it seems mostly harmless, and the sales should make up for the unapproved demolition of the automoton factory. Meanwhile, to idle the time while waiting for the stormy weather, crashing airships (as I heard Doctor Dinosaur's zepplin exploded, apparantly not many noticed the large fireball over the North Fells.) and migrating kraken, I've dusted off the mechanicle black mirror. I had worked on modifying it some , as a possibility of using it as a type of portal into other dimensions, similar to the portal generator at the Clockhaven plant, but for the fact it transports you to other worlds and timelines. It had been a concept I had come up with when I had to go to Kadath for awhile. By reversing the polarity of the aether, what had been originally a scrying tool, could be made into a type of portal. Aside from the apparant attempt by the pre-mentioned velociraptor to take over the city vie-mind control and rampaging dino-constructs, (something most of the victims had never even realized were going on apparantly), And the apparant death of Dr. O (two deaths of generally considered evil villians in one year no less), the city had been fairly quiet.

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