Friday, May 13, 2011

Footman's Logg, in the world of the Trichromat, the Monochromat is king

((just thought of typing this up after a conversation during the regreening party that came up, I'm monochromatically colorbling in RL, and since it's easier than faking that I see colors, I just RP Grendel as colorblind as well))

Earlier this week, when I was out and about, there was all this commotion, people staring at their walls and obsessivly scrubbing them. No idea what they've developed OCD over.

I had been taking a walk earlier, when I saw some sort of missle come out of nowhere and strike one of the buildings, splatting in some sort of dark grey liquid. It didn't seem too do much harm, so I continued on, despite the apparant distress at som of the fellow pedestrians, who started going on about something being purple.

As the week went on, I started hearing more about this 'purple', Dr. O apparantly had taken as his new evil plan, to launching purple paint all over Babbage.......he must be running out of ideas for death machines then is all I can figure.

Then I started worrying my own factry would be hit with the purple, and I wouldn't know. It's been dry the whole week, but if I was out and it was hit and had the time to dry, how was I to know?

So, a new test, while I've replaced many organs on myself in the past, I've never replaced my eyes. A trip to the hospital was in order. After making sure there wasn't any other staff or patients around, I paid a visit to the mourge. It took some doing, but I was able to find a corpse with both eyes still (I suspect a victim of the snake). Taking them was simple, then I prepped the surgery, and went to work. Work was....interesting, when you cant really see what you are doing. After a few false starts, and with the pengi orderly I brought with me busy with a bottle of jack daniels and a hammer (I'll have to replace the smashed bottles with ones from my own kit I'm afraid), it was soon done. I quickly left the hospital, and looked over the city to see what exactly everyone was so anxious about, and saw, grey.

Had I read the chart I would of seen the cadaver was colorblind as well.

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