Monday, February 7, 2011

Footman's Logg; Feb 7th, 18XX :Holiday on the Moon

I have returned breifly to New Babbage, where I learned of the moon base.

Determined to visit as part of my vacation, I first constructed a rocket to transport myself, it unfortunatly did not survive it's first launch and nosedived back into the earth spectacularly , sadly the test automoton did not survive.

So, I reconfigured a base rocket used in early experiment's breaking out of the atmosphere, and loaded it with more powerful rockets.

That seemed to do the trick, as it held together much better. So, setting a temporary launch pad in the Academy, fitted my pressure suit from when I visited Miss Static's orbital station over my winter coat, and the launch was soon underway.


It landed a little roughly, bending the base stand in the rear slightly on moon rocks, but otherwise handeled well.

I soon made my way to the base. Entering first, posing for the camera automoton by the Babbage flag, as any self respecting tourist would do.

The station itself is fairly impressive, and I see the Clockhaven power plant's portal technology has been linked already (had I realized, I might have save myself the hassle of aquiring a working rocket).

The living quarters were fairly nice, resembling some hotel, though the bed in one room wasn't made, they may want to see about either hiring a maid, or getting some sort of automotons (wich I'd happily make a deal on behalf of Footman Industries for)

I found the observatory first, the telescope give a very vivid picture of the heavens, including a detailed look at Mars, sadly, the camera drone had wound down at that point and dropped like a somewhat light rock (the moon appears to have a low gravity).

After a quick windup, and some time in the bar, (a true sign of civilization if I've ever seen one), I managed to locate the simulation room, which appears to utilize some sort of new technology to create a 3 dimensional representation of the stars.

After some searching, I finally located the lab, very basic, but has all the nessecities, I may borrow it during my stay for my own research.

After exploring the base, I donned my helmet again and stepped out to walk the surface, No sign of moon men so far, but the view is impressive, Earth seems about the size of a golfball from here, New Babbage is not even visible.

All in all, I may spend a while up here, as the research oppertunities are many. Sadly, there's no fishing here, I will have to make do.

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