Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Footman's Logg; Dec 23th, 18XX :End of Footman Industries

I had been cleaning out old experiemts and equiptment in the plant, when I came across a crate of bombs, ARMED bombs....

After digging myself out of the rubble, I looked across the smoking ruins. I don't think I will rebuild this time, as this location seems to be the target of every would be 'zombie killer' to get their jollys, I'll look for someone else to take over the graveyard, and hopefully not pave it over as it was before, and might take time to travel again for a bit. Fortunatly, most my scientific equiptment, as well as the Anti-Ectotheric Containment Device were in the lab beneath the crypt and were safe, at least until I put the pengi to work loading them onto the Oroboros.

Somehow though, I feel as if I'm back to where I've started...

((OOC: logging on to SL tonight, I found I had 1 day left on my plot in Babbage, and as it has been a very tight week being the holidays, and I still have xmas weekend at my dad's, wich visits to my dad always tend to be more pricey than I'd like, I wouldn't be able to make tier, so, rather than do the mediocre quietly take down any buildings and list the land for sale, so something entirely diferent can replace it, I blew up my plant, and am currently looking to give the land to whoever will A. keep the graveyard, as others do seem to use it, and B, keep it RP friendly, I'd hate to see another generic shop plopped down and the new owners start banning whoever speaks IC within 20 meters of it, eitherway, this is my IC reason, I may rebuild Footman Industries sometime down the line, after the holidays, when the months are kinder to me financially, and I can afford land again, otherwise I may take a short break from SL, as I haven't been on it lately for various reasons anyway))

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